Our Worship Services


Divine Service

Sunday 9:00 am

Bible Study

Sunday 10:30 am

Mid-week ServiceS

Wednesday Vespers 6:00 pm

Thursday Matins 10:00 am

4083 Yager Road McMinnville, Tennessee 37110

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Romans 10:17


It is our sincere prayer that every life touched by the members of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church will experience Christ’s grace and love at work.



Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church exists to proclaim Jesus Christ and His life, death and resurrection for the sake and salvation of the world.  We are a confessional Lutheran Church meaning we subscribe to the Lutheran Confessions...

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From the Pastor

It is the prayer of the members of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church and her pastor that through the Word of God proclaimed here in her various services more and more people would come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and by Him be saved eternally... 

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